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Pest Control Services is An Essential Part

Feb 18

A pest infestation can damage your home or business. Mice can chew electrical wires and destroy wood structures, while termites eat away at the inside of homes and commercial buildings. Local Exterminators Whittier can prevent this damage. In addition, pests can spread diseases. Mosquitoes, for example, can cause encephalitis, dengue fever, West Nile virus, Zika, and malaria. Fleas can spread typhus, cat scratch fever, and flea-borne spotted fever. And ticks can carry Lyme disease and Rocky Mountain spotted fever.

Generally, your homeowner's insurance policy won't cover any damages caused by pests. This is why pest control is so important. It's essential to keep pests from damaging your home or business, so that you don't have to spend money on costly repairs.

Pest Control Options

Extermination is just one of many methods used for pest control. Other types of pest management include biological control, habitat manipulation, modification of cultural practices, use of resistant varieties, and monitoring and evaluating. These methods are usually considered to be less toxic than the use of pesticides.

The goal of most pest control programs is prevention or suppression rather than eradication. Eradication is sometimes attempted in outdoor pest situations where the goal of prevention or suppression is not possible. For example, eradication is the goal of some fire ant, Mediterranean fruit fly, and gypsy moth control programs. Eradication is also a goal in some indoor environments, such as in the case of the cockroach, flea, and rat eradication programs that were initiated in the United States during World War II in concentration camps.

There are some pests that require extermination, such as cockroaches, ants, and mosquitoes. Pesticides are generally a last resort when other management strategies have not worked. They should be applied in a manner that minimizes risks to humans, beneficial insects, and nontarget organisms.

You can help reduce the need for pesticides by removing food, water, and shelter sources that attract them. Store food in sealed containers, remove garbage regularly, and fix leaky plumbing. You can also discourage pests by getting rid of clutter, sealing cracks and crevices, and using caulking around pipes. Finally, make sure that you only buy pesticides from reputable dealers and always read the label instructions carefully before applying them. Never apply more than the recommended amount. And never transfer a pesticide product to another container, as this can lead to accidental ingestion. If you must use a pesticide, choose a product that is safe for pets and people and the environment. Be sure to follow all local, state, and federal laws governing pesticide application. And always wear protective clothing, including rubber gloves, when handling or transferring a pesticide. If you have questions about pesticide safety, contact a local extension agent. They can explain the different pest control methods and their effectiveness. They can also advise you about safer alternatives to toxic pesticides.