Kitchen Renovations Made Easy With Our Free Checklist
Are You Considering A Kitchen Renovation?
Get Our Free Checklist – Remodeling Your Kitchen Made Easy
A Simple Guide To Show You How To Transform Your Kitchen Into A Focal Point Of Your Home, Whilst Avoiding Costly Mistakes.
Kitchen Remodelling & Refurbishment
When you are considering a new kitchen or kitchen renovation, sometimes the overall project becomes about more than just the kitchen cabinets. One thing leads to another and you may realise that the entire space needs to be considered – flooring, wall tiles, replastering, painting, electrics, lighting…it becomes a renovation of the whole space.
If you are considering a new kitchen but the thought of it fills you with trepidation then don’t worry! Relax and download our helpful checklist.
It’s filled with pointers, tips and information to help you make a start in the right way with confidence.
Kitchen Renovations On A Budget
What’s Your Budget?
When you come to consider your kitchen renovation, its important to have a budget in mind as this will set the scope of what we can specify and it will also help us manage your expectations when producing your quotation.
Some clients may not know or otherwise be unsure about the amount they should be considering as the budget for their new kitchen. If this is the case then we can have a discussion that will lead to a ballpark figure that can be clarified by producing a firm quote.
It’s rare in any industry for the budget and the wish-list to align exactly in the first instance but if the budget doesn’t quite stretch to meet the wish-list then you can discuss alternatives;
Our Bonus for Our Neighbours
The added bonus of a free 1 on 1 meeting to discuss kitchen renovations will be available to the first 30 people living in North London who contact us after signing up for our Checklist.
Click Here To Go To Our ‘Remodeling Your Kitchen Made Easy’ Checklist
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This Checklist is Offered by:
Perfect Fit Kitchens & Interiors